2 tests of 15 questions in each test. The first is rated as easy, while the second with time limit of 70 seconds per question is more advanced, designed for graduates. Both contains questions & solutions in PDF format for review.
Over 1,000 skills and knowledge tests are available in the IBM Kenexa library, which is designed to measure specific skills or knowledge in a domain,e.g, financial, or industrial.
SHL is a global company majoring in HR technology and psychometric science. It has designed and developed a large library of psychometric tests, covering skills, knowledge tests, ability and aptitude tests, as well as personality, behavioral and competency-based assessments.
10 tips: Get familiar with the test provider's format, Don't practise only with mock tests, Read the instructions carefully, Don't get tripped up, Don't get tripped up: Stay calm and don't lose confidence...
Abstract/logical reasoning test measures lateral thinking skills or fluid intelligence, which are ability to quickly identify patterns, logical rules and trends in new data, integrate this information, and apply it to solve problems. Some people call it ‘street smarts’ or ‘think on your feet’ .
What is logical reasoning? Logical reasoning skills; Common logical reasoning tests; How to prepare for logical tests? How to improve in logical reasoning.
What is a logical reasoning test its in job selection? What to expect in a logical reasoning test?; Logical reasoning test examples with answers; Tips on how to pass a logical reasoning test.