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BA0510: Business Essentials through Action (BETA): Design Thinking

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The Explainer: What Is Design Thinking? by Harvard Business Review.

Design thinking can help strategic and system innovators make the new worlds they’ve imagined come to pass. In fact, with very complex artifacts, the design of their “intervention” — their introduction and integration into the status quo — is even more critical to success than the design of the artifacts themselves.

The Design Thinking Process by Sprouts.

Design Thinking is a 5-step process to come up with meaningful ideas that solve real problems for a particular group of people.

Five User Interview Mistakes to Avoid (in 5 Minutes) by NnGroup.

Probing vs. leading. Saying enough to make your participant comfortable, but not so much you derail the research. 5 pitfalls in the user interview process are demonstrated so that you can avoid them the next time you talk with users.

Design Thinking Step 4: Prototype by Spring2 Innovation.

Learn more about Prototyping, the fourth step in the Design Thinking process.

Design Thinking In Business by EA Learning.

“Design Thinking in Business” is a Design Thinking course that introduces individuals and teams to design tools that will help them be more human-centred in their approach to problem solving.

How to use a persona in design thinking | Design thinking process by EA Learning.

To understand their audience, sometimes a brand needs to be in their shoes to know what they want or need. To achieve this, you will learn how to create a persona document with Canva that allows everyone to explain themselves briefly to understand them better.

About personas and how to create them by SMAPLY.

About the basics of personas and how to create empathy with a persona. This video quickly explains what a persona is, how to create one and how they can be used in an organization.

About personas and how to create them by Mindful Marks.

A brief overview of the 5 phase Design Thinking process.

About personas and how to create them by MatShoreInnovation.

A short video animation explaining in accesible terms the definition of a consumer insight for use in innovation and marketing.