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Resources for DEPM Internship Students: Digitalisation


4 Concepts To Understand Digital Transformation in the Event Industry |

As most meeting planners and event organisers know, technological disruption has brought profound changes to the MICE industry. Today, meetings, conferences, and exhibitions are increasingly being planned, organised and managed using digital tools. Digital tools are becoming an integral part of strategic event management given their proven ability to bring in substantial benefits.

6 Ways Digitization Is Changing The Way We Experience Events

By Reno Macri The sweeping wave of digitization certainly has not bypassed the constantly evolving event management industry. The ubiquity of personal devices and the round-the-clock connectedness in modern societies have opened up many new avenues for consumer immersion into carefully crafted realities.

How does the digital transformation change the venue and event industry?

When we read about technology requirements in the venue and event industry, it is important to consider the individual needs and goals a venue may have when looking into the future. At the same time, we must be aware of changes and new challenges within the industry.

[Research] Digitalisation in the Event Industry

The use of digital solutions in the event industry is on the rise Digitalisation is predominantly spreading throughout event marketing and event organisation There is a large gap between what attendees want and what organisers offer Three-quarters of organisers could meet the

IT and AV Equipment Hire | Hire Intelligence Australia

In my 18+ years in this industry, I've seen many changes occur, particularly in the realm of technology. The increasing prevalence of the Internet and connected devices like smartphones and tablets has fundamentally changed the way we interact at events.

The role of digital transformation in events

The arrival of the Internet, but especially how it spread thirty years ago, has changed our daily lives. The rapid growth of new technologies has shaken up our consumption habits and the way we communicate. In the recent years, there has been a real change in the way we consume thanks to digitalization.

Must-Know Event Technology Trends for 2020 | Social Tables

Knowing event technology trends-and adopting the most valuable ones-gives planners and venues the competitive advantage. Studies show that using event technology can increase attendance by 20 percent and increase productivity by 27 percent. But with new event technologies emerging constantly, how do you know which ones to consider?

Why Digitalization Matters in Tourism and Event Management

With a global economic contribution of more than 7.6 trillion USD in a single year alone, the travel and tourism represents one of the world's largest industry sectors. One major impact on travel and tourism happening right now? Digitalization.

Events Are Going Digital: Should Your Company Follow?

We've seen a lot of changes in the business landscape since COVID-19 hit the country. While most of the country is under strict shelter-in-place orders, companies of every type are being forced to reconsider how to stay connected with teammates and customers. One of the most obvious casualties: Company and industry events.

The Disruption Factor: Digitalization in Events

Tech provides more than just the 'wow' factor at events. It streamlines operations, allows you to do more in less time, and helps facilitate connections among attendees. Are you using digitalization as part of your event strategy? Here are some things you should be doing.

Digitalization in the Event Industry - Grenadine Event Management Software

Digitalization in the event industry Welcome to the 21st century With the increasing technological innovations year after year and the introduction of new gadgets, our everyday habits are slowly changing as we dive into a digitalized world. When smartphones were first introduced to the market, only a few adapters were ready to get into the ...
