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Resources for DEPM Internship Students: Event Management


Virtual Event Planning Tips During a Global Pandemic

I don't think any of us have seen such a rapid change in the world as we're seeing right now with the current global pandemic upon us. Obviously, the Events industry is one of the first to be hit, and early casualties were Mobile World Congress and the Geneva Motor Show.

Here's a Guide to Organising Successful Virtual Events

A few months ago, virtual events were adopted as a means to minimize costs while reaching large numbers of participants and these provided a great way to host large-scale events digitally. In times like these of #Covid19, with thousands of events being canceled, we need to be at the forefront with virtual events to make sure our long-term work can continue happening.

How to Host a Successful Virtual Event: Tips and Best Practices

Virtual events still sound a little futuristic, but they've been happening since 1993 when the world's first livestream brought us nail-biting webcam footage of a coffee maker in mid drip. The streaming pot brewed up millions of views. In some ways little has changed in 2020.

Event planning during COVID-19: Remember 4 keys to success - ROI-NJ

Pivot! A few weeks ago, the only thing the word "pivot" evoked in my mind was a scene from the "Friends" episode where Ross, Chandler and Rachel were moving a couch up a too-tight stairwell. Today, under cloud of the coronavirus, the term takes on a whole new meaning.

Event Planning: 2020 Version

5/22/2020 Six months ago, you were putting the final touches on the 2020 event schedule. You picked out the properties and graphics, notified those who would staff the exhibit, and booked plane and hotel reservations. Then out of nowhere came COVID-19 to wreak unbelievable havoc on your trade show program.

How to Plan an Event: Free! Step-By-Step Guide

Wondering how to plan an event? Sure, thinking about it can feel a bit like trying to study alchemy. You start with just a vision and a budget, then you turn it into an event full of guests and moving parts. Depending on the type of event, tons of details are going to vary.

How to Become an Event Planner | Eventbrite

Do you think you have what it takes to become an event planner? Whether you're interested in social event coordinating or you're curious about organizing corporate events like large-scale conferences, it's important to know that a career in event planning is rewarding - but not easy.

The ABC of successful event planning | Asgard Marketing

Know exactly who you want to attend, and shape your marketing around this: will they be stakeholders, prospects, existing customers or a mixture? Your marketing strategy and content planning for the event will vary based on who you're looking to attract. B - Branding Give your event a strong identity.

Five Keys To Successful Professional Event Planning

Warmer weather and spring breezes often bring a litany of association and corporate events, ushering in a hurried season of event planning for marketers, event planners, and association management professionals. While there is no such thing as "the perfect event," you can achieve excellence through precision and effort.

Event Planning Guide: All You Need to Know About Managing Events

So you want to plan an event. Good idea! A well executed event can bring in as much as $704 per participant. Even more important, it can introduce your organization to powerful sources of ongoing support, from newfound audiences to bedrock sponsors. And each successful event makes the next one m...