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A survey conducted by Deloitte across 130 countries and over 7,000 participants found that the number one global workforce trend is teamwork (Kaplan, Dollar, Melian, Van Durme, & Wong, 2016). This is similarly reported by Cross, Rebele, and Grant (2016) where employees and managers saw at least a 50% increase in the amount of time spent on team-related tasks. These are data points reported before Covid-19. It is envisaged that the frequency of team meetings to keep everyone stay connected is on the rise and will be the new norm after Covid.

Recognising the importance of teamwork, many educational institutions including Singapore Polytechnic have included teamwork as part of their graduate attributes. To nurture teamwork skills in students, teamwork learning activities are often featured in the courses students attend.

Self and peer evaluations are ways that lecturers attempt to manage teamwork in classes to facilitate better learning experiences. Among the various instruments developed for teamwork assessment, the Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME) system developed by Ohland et al. (2012) is a breakthrough in web-based team peer evaluation. This Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME) system uses a behaviourally anchored rating scale. Students rate themselves and their peers on these five behavioural dimensions:

  1. Contributing to the Team’s Work
  2. Interacting with Teammates
  3. Expecting Quality
  4. Keeping the Team on Track
  5. Having Relevant Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

These 5 questions in CATME are used in the Teamwork Measurement project at SP.


Staff and students who are keen to find out more about the Teamwork instrument may refer to the following resources:

There are five CATME Teamwork Dimensions which contributes to the effectiveness of teams.

Click on the tabs below to watch the teamwork videos produced by Purdue University:

Contributing to the Team’s Work is defined as helping the team achieve its goals or objectives by completing the assigned tasks. It evaluates students' attitudes and behaviours towards helping their team complete their work and the quantity and quality of their contributions to the team.

Interacting with Teammates is defined as providing positive interactions within the team that contribute to a supportive environment. It evaluates how students' communicate with each other; if they are willing to share information across the team and if they express interest in their teammates' ideas and contributions.

Keeping the Team on Track involves efforts to progress toward achieving the team's goals. It evaluates if students' are aware of their current team's progress, and if they make an effort to address and tackle any potential issues which may threaten their team's success.

Expecting quality focuses on expressing the beliefs that the team is capable of quality work and encouraging the team to strive for quality. It evaluates if students' believe in their team's capabilities and if they motivate their teammates to perform beyond the expected results.

Having Relevant Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA's) is defined as students' knowing what they need to know, knowing how to do what they need to do, and having the capabilities they need to do the work of the team. It evaluates if students' have the necessary KSA's to perform any given role and if they go above and beyond to acquire new KSA's to improve the team's performance.

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