[eBook] Designing for the Climate Emergency: a Guide for Architecture StudentsThis book guides architecture student to create truly sustainable designs. Demonstrating holistic design approaches through 10 key themes, it guides students through the different stages of the design process in five illustrated chapters.
[eBook] Modern Architecture and Climate: design before air conditioningModern Architecture and Climate explores how leading architects of the twentieth century incorporated climate-mediating strategies into their designs, and shows how regional approaches to climate adaptability were essential to the development of modern architecture.
Living Architecture, Living Cities : soul-nourishing sustainabilityIn this significantly revised third edition, Designing Zero Carbon Buildings combines embodied and operational emissions into a structured approach for achieving zero emissions by a specific year with certainty
ISBN: 9781032378718
Publication Date: 2024
Our Planet Powered by AI by Mark MinevichUsing real-world case studies from a variety of well-known industry leaders, the author explains the strategic archetypes, technological infrastructures, and cultures of sustainability you'll need to ensure your firm's next-level digital transformation takes root
Sustainable Business by Helen Kopnina; Rory Padfield; Josephine MylanSustainable Business: Key Issues is the first comprehensive introductory-level textbook to address the interface between environmental challenges and business solutions to provide an overview of the basic concepts of sustainability, sustainable business, and business ethics.
Call Number: HD60 Kop @ L3
ISBN: 9781032209685
Publication Date: 2023
The Climate Diet: 50 simple ways to trim your carbon footprintThe Climate Diet contains fifty achievable steps we can take to live our daily lives in a way that's friendlier to the planet--from what we eat, how we live at home, how we travel, and how we lobby businesses and elected officials to do the right thing.