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Reflective Writing & Design Review: Design Review

Web Resources

8 Steps to an Effective Design Review by Luciano Vizza
Write down your reasoning; understand the people in the room; set the stage; tell a story; present the solution; listen more than you talk; respond, decide, move on; Recap & follow up.

Think Like an Architect: How to Pass a Design Review by Dylan Chappell, 2013, 
Most design review boards tend to share the same goal: to encourage development that exemplifies the best professional practices to enhance the visual quality of the environment, benefit surrounding property values and prevent poor design. 

How Design Review Promotes Good Design and How It Can Be Used to Help Secure Sensitive Planning Applications by Raise Architects, 2018
What is it? How does it work? And would it help to secure consent for your project?

Design Review by Designing BUildings Wiki, 2020
Design reviews are typically coordinated by the leader designer, which may involve the consultant team, client, independent client advisors and contractor. Their focuses: design quality, value management, risk management, co-ordination, compliance, contingency plans, sustainability, etc. 

Why Design Reviews Matters by DePaul University, Chaddick Institute for Metropolitan Development & Municipal Design Review Network (MDRN)
Value of design reviews; its key elements & benefits; how it works

Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG): Architectural Design Review Checklist  by National Institute of Building Services [US], 2021

Architectural Design Review Checklist by Smartsheet 

Design Review Guidelines & Processes by the City of Eagle 

Design Review Application - City of Santa Rosa



How design review staff do far more than regulate by Joongsub Kim & John Forester. 2021
Urban Design International, 17(3), pp.  239-252.
In 'design review', planners and architects do much more than 'review' proposals. They educate players in the development process. They facilitate governance. They respond to fear and suspicion, grief and anger. They convene ritualized meetings so diverse parties can build cooperative relationships ...