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Resources for DFM Internship Students: Robotics


At the Forefront of Robotics - Total Facilities

If you think 2001: A Space Odyssey is the stuff of fantasy, right now cutting-edge FM businesses are harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics to transform their workplaces.

Will facility managers still exist in 2030? - FMLink

by Chris Hood - June 2019 - PwC (PricewaterhouseCooper) recently issued their " Workforce of the future-The competing forces shaping 2030 " report. In it they frame up a view, four different views in-fact, of the world in ten years' time as their research and strategic insight might predict.

JTC seeking robotics and automation solutions for challenges in infrastructure construction, operations and maintenance | OpenGov Asia

JTC Corporation (JTC) has announced its 3rd Open Innovation Call, seeking robotics, automation and autonomous solutions. JTC is looking for technologies which could potentially address problems in infrastructure development and tackle challenges faced in building and estate operations. Proposals are invited for eight challenge statements under four main themes.

Key Technology Trends Driving Facilities Management Industry

Aval Sethi - The technology is continuously improving such that drones can be used for security and inspection, holograms can be used for elevator maintenance and doors and electronic equipment can be accessed through microchip implants, , Facilities Management, technology

Six emerging trends in facilities management sourcing

For companies with distributed operations-retailers, manufacturers, transportation and logistics-facilities management can represent 10 to 25 percent of total indirect spending. Several recent developments, including fears of a recession, trade conflicts, tech disruption, and rising wages, have made cost cutting a higher priority in this area.