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SP Library & FabLab's Blog

Know Your Library Week 5 – 2018

by Grace Ong on 2018-05-15T00:00:00+08:00 in Contests | 0 Comments

Welcome back to the “Know Your Library” weekly email. Thanks for your strong participation and keep the answers coming! This is the second last of the six-series weekly email.

Firstly, congrats to last week’s winners who have won themselves a Starbucks gift card each!
Take part too and you stand a chance to win a coffee treat.
Participants with the correct answers to all 6-week’s questions stand to win a Hellolulu bag.

So, how can I manage my library account?


Items you reserved and the pick up location will be shown on this page. If you are going on vacation and might not be able to pick up the item, simply freeze your request before you travel, and unfreeze it when you return to campus.

Your room bookings are reflected here. Great for checking exactly which project room you chopped. A list of the service requests you’ve made, such as book recommendations. Set how you wish SP Library to send you service notifications. SMS option available.

Contest Question: The “My Library” can help you to ______.

  1. Check the number of book(s) you have reserved
  2. Extend loan period.
  3. Alert new arrival info
  4. All of the above

Send your answer Here!

You’ll need your Library PIN to use the self-borrowing machine to loan physical library items. It consists of a six-digit pin that you set during the self-enrollment process.
You can reset your Library PIN at SP Identity Management System (IDMS)

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